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Jeff Boleman

Adjunct Professor


Jeff Boleman自2021年起担任Concordia University Irvine计算机科学兼职教授. He holds M.S. and B.S. 在明尼苏达州大都会州立大学获得计算机科学学位. His 25+ year background includes high performance computing (HPC), Unix/Linux operating systems, networking, high performance storage, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). He has published multiple papers on cloud computing related topics. 他自2011年以来一直在IBM工作,目前担任云IaaS服务的首席产品经理.

Phil Burtis

Adjunct Professor


菲尔·伯蒂斯很幸运也很感激能有机会从2021年起在康考迪亚大学欧文分校担任计算机科学兼职教授. 他毕业于爱荷华州立大学,主修制导和控制系统. 他在航空航天领域工作了十多年,从事空军导弹等项目, torpedoes for the Navy, and a helicopter avionic system for the Army. One of his projects is in the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in DC and two are still in use today. 随后,他又花了10年时间研究商业中使用的微型计算机硬件和软件系统, 然后又花了20年时间开发地震等自然灾害的软件模型, hurricanes, and floods, the latter being incorporated into the FEMA HAZUS program. “Behold, 我要行一件新事”,出自以赛亚书43:19,这句话很合适,帮助他找到了康科迪亚.

doctor Amanda Croll

Associate Professor of Mathematics


As an undergraduate, Dr. 克罗尔每年都参加卡尔顿学院女性暑期数学项目, 是什么鼓励了有数学天赋的女性去追求更高的学位. Professor Croll’s doctoral research area was in commutative algebra. In particular, her interests lie in homological algebra, maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules, and Gorenstein rings. 她的非数学爱好包括骑自行车、旅行、阅读和和她的猫玩耍.


  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Ph.D. 2013
doctor Matthew Cserhati

Associate Professor of Computer Science


Dr. Matthew Cserhati是欧文康考迪亚大学计算机科学系的副教授. He wrote his Ph.D. 在匈牙利科学院生物研究中心期间,他完成了生物信息学的论文,主题是基于枚举的转录因子结合位点预测算法. 他有21年的编程经验,15年在学术界,3年在工业界. He has authored more than 70 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, 主要从事生物信息学和生物信息学研究,并讲授计算机科学和生物信息学课程.


  • University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, Ph.D. 2011.
  • 格林维尔长老会神学院,南卡罗来纳州格林维尔.A. 2022.
  • University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, B.Sc. 2010.
Brian Hart

Adjunct Professor


Brian Hart很荣幸能成为康考迪亚大学欧文分校计算机科学系的一员. He joined the team in 2019 as an Adjunct Faculty member. 他获得了印第安纳卫斯理大学基督教事工学士学位和比奥拉大学护教学硕士学位. 他的研究还包括奥克兰大学的工程课程和UCI的编程指导. Brian总共有超过15年的教学经验,包括网页设计在内的一系列科目, Algebra, Physics, Robotics, and Bible. His career path transitioned from teaching to web development in 2017. 布莱恩目前是富勒神学院的全职网页开发人员. 当他不写代码的时候,他会花时间和家人在一起,或者打曲棍球.

Julie Melberg

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair


Julie Melberg教授于2010年加入协和大学数学系, after teaching high school mathematics for several years. 她在斯普林菲尔德的维滕贝格大学获得数学学士学位, Ohio; her Master of Arts in Mathematics degree from California State Fullerton and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Curtin University. 梅尔伯格教授喜欢在尔湾康考迪亚大学教数学, 教授核心数学课程和数学专业课程. 她的教学和研究侧重于探究性学习,并鼓励学生培养终身思考技能.


  • California State University, Fullerton, M.A. 2000
doctor Melinda Schulteis

Professor of Mathematics

“I felt very motivated when I came back to Concordia [to teach],” Dr. Melinda Schulteis says. “我想把学生们与地方和国家的数学会议联系起来,这样他们就可以在本科时获得研究经验.” Dr. 舒尔泰斯感到自豪的是,康考迪亚大学欧文分校现在定期带学生参加数学会议,作为参与者和演讲者.


  • University of California Irvine, Ph.D. 2004
Joshua Tallman

Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Program Director


约书亚·塔尔曼教授于2019年加入康考迪亚大学,担任计算机科学系的一员. 他持有Johns Hopkins University的计算机科学硕士学位和计算机工程学士学位. Tallman教授在计算机安全领域拥有15年以上的程序员和分析师经验. 他曾在马里兰州国防部任职, Germany, and the United Kingdom, as well as working as an independent contractor for Dragos, Inc., a company specializing in security for Industrial Control Systems. 塔尔曼教授希望他的学生明白,他们的学习和职业是推进大使命的一种手段. He strives to make learning and work as enjoyable as possible.

Education & Technical Skills

Master of Science in Computer Science - John Hopkins University (2009)

  • Programming in Windows/Unix environments with C/C++/C#, Python
  • Microsoft Win32 system level programming and x86/64 assembly
  • Code analysis with WinDbg, IDAPro, and other custom analysis tools
doctor Bret Taylor

Professor of Mathematics


Dr. Bret Taylor很自豪能成为康考迪亚大学欧文分校数学系的一员. Since arriving at Concordia University Irvine in 1997, Dr. Taylor has taught a variety of mathematics classes, education courses and classes in the Christ College church-work program. 在他10年的初中和高中数学教学经验的基础上. Taylor completed his doctoral degree from Curtin University in Perth, 澳大利亚在2004年重点研究了数学焦虑和课堂环境.

“如果我说你每天都能和年轻人一起工作,他们对生活和未来充满激情和活力, investigate and think about the great questions and ideas of all time, and hear God's Word of love and forgiveness each day....wouldn't that sound like a great place to work? That is why I work at Concordia University Irvine!"


  • Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Ph.D. 2004

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